337 Users
Welcome to the Famichiki Mastodon. A server ran by foreigners in Japan. Anyone is welcome to sign up, but our target audience are foreigners who want to live, live, or have lived in Japan, and Japanese who want to interact with the foreign community in the country we have chosen to call our home.
For a more real time experience, why not check out our <a href="https://discord.gg/MeBEhn4">Discord</a>?
Want to know more about this server? We have a <a href="https://fcmastodon.wordpress.com/">Wordpress Blog</a> where we regularly post updates and where you can learn more about this instance!
<strong>We're currently having issues delivering mail to outlook.com, live.com, hotmail.com, and other Microsoft owned domains. Please use an alternative provider when signing up, or ping us on Discord to get your account manually approved.</strong>
Mastodon Mastodon server has 337 users that have posted 9,446 times
To join Mastodon on Mastodon, click the "join this server" button on this page. You will then be redirected to join the Mastodon Instance.